The mask has become a popular item in popular culture since and referenced widely in video games and films, as it is very cheap because it is the most produced gas mask ever. The GP-5 was historically used by the USSR for NBC protection. The GP-5 kit is widely available on the army surplus market, usually very cheaply ($5 to $25), and are often used as a part of Halloween or fancy dress costumes, including cosplay. You can buy adapters online that makes the GOST thread on the gas mask fit with the NATO filter thread. However the P-5 does have a NATO variant called the FP-5, which is incompatible with this mask. A modern filter that works with all Soviet masks is the Polish P-5 filter. While the asbestos is unlikely to be inhaled unless the filter is damaged, it is recommended to swap this filter for a modern one. Laboratory tests found the filter's particulate layer (cotton) roughly consists of 7.5% white asbestos. This filter is known to contain asbestos. They are a favorite of gas mask collectors because they are common and have the "old" circular eyepieces like masks used in World War II and the "helmet" type masks. It was concluded that the mask will last in an NBC situation for 24 hours. They have been tested in Poland to determine if they have NBC protective capabilities. The GP-5 kit was originally made to protect the wearer from radioactive fallout during the Cold War and were distributed to most fallout shelters. The ShM-62 or comes with sealed glass eye pieces.

It can operate in all weather and withstand temperatures from −40 ☌ (−40 ☏) to 114 ☌ (237 ☏). It is a lightweight mask, weighing 1.09 kg (2.42 lbs).

It was issued to the Soviet population starting in 1962 production ended in 1990. Grazhdanskiy Protivogaz-5) is a Soviet-made gas mask kit, which contains a single-filter ShM-62 or Shm-62U gas mask.